
If you are fairly new to Yacapaca, these tutorials are a great place to start. Don’t stop with these, though, use search to discover greater depth to help you create and use exactly the assessments you want for your students.

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  1. Get your classes set up in seconds not minutes: how to use our Casual Student Set feature.
  2. Finding assessments: finding a needle in a haystack is quite easy with a sufficiently powerful magnet.
  3. The Assignments List: the heart of the system; this is where you start your Yacapaca day.
  4. Types of assignment: you can run your class completely through Yacapaca, if you wish, or just pick and choose the most useful assignment types.
  5. The Gradebook: In the Gradebook, we tried to pull together everything a teacher needs to run their class online. Not just grades, but analysis and management tools too. There is a lot to it! So, rather than an exhaustive description, I focused for this tutorial on 6 features that are not immediately obvious, but which are massive time-savers. They can also help you understand your students in ways that you would only get otherwise by tediously re-entering all your data in a spreadsheet.
  6. The Activity Log: Which of your students really grasp the learning opportunity of formative assessment? Which of your students are hopelessly optimistic (or pessimistic) about their chances in an exam? Which concepts have they grasped, and in which do they need reinforcement? The best way to discover this is through one-to-one conversation, and if you have the time, that’s what you should do. For when you don’t have the time, there’s the Activity Log.
  7. The Detail view: Every answer, to every attempt at every question by every student.
  8. Quick Assignments: what it says on the tin – quick!
  9. How to preview quiz questions before you assign: a very short tutorial signposting a feature that is deliberately kept slightly obscure.
  10. How to use the Quiz Builder: Yacapaca assessment authoring is powerful and easy.
  11. Question Types: Go beyond simple multiple choice.
  12. How to improve the quality of your quiz: If you have started authoring assessments, now is the time get hard data on how you have done, and to start to improve.

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